Dentist clinical proceedure
Clinical appointment
- The first stage involved is to fill out a questionnaire that the dentist will review to ascertain whether QuietNite will work for you.
- Your dentist will examine all asspects of your teeth and evaluate your biting motion to determine which QuietNite device should be used.
- Then, an impression is taken of your upper and lower teeth along with a bite registration to provide the lab with models of your mouth.
Insertion appointment
- When your QuietNite is returned, your dentist will explain how it works and how to keep it clean for long term use.
- Your dentist will show you how to place the QuietNite device on the upper teeth first and then moving your jaw forward, he will place the lower portion so that it seats completely.
Clinical Guidelines
- Check the patient's ability to reach anteriorization of the mandible.
- Take alginate impressions of upper and lower arches.
- Pour alginate impressions or send to your local QuietNite laboratory.